60 x 70 x 20 cm
CNC laser cut aluminum box, handmade mechanism, springs, screws, metal handler, hinges, rubber rings, rods, metal bars, 3 burnt car exhausts, sticker.
Pull! – Speed it up! –Enjoy! Dissects the fetish status of car components, examining how masculinity is constructed, consumed, and exhausted in Contemporary culture. Presented as a dispensing machine delivering segmented car exhaust pipes—the “tail end” of the automobile—this piece invites viewers to interact by turning a handle, causing an exhaust pipe to roll out, which once interacted with is slipped back in to the slot at top. This cycle mirrors both the object’s mechanical function and the repetitive labour of factory production, linking the exhaust pipe’s raw materiality to the masculinity embedded in manufacturing. By recontextualising the exhaust pipe, the work subverts its typical associations with speed and power, instead rendering it as a slow, redundant, and even playful. Stripped of its potency, the exhaust pipe is likened to disposable vending machine items, with its phallic shape hinting at the allure of power, control, and virility projected onto cars.